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Meet DEEP Team

Principle Investigator
2014/09-2018/08 Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering, HKUST, Hong Kong SAR, China 
2013/08-2014/07 Graduate study majoring in Solid Mechanics, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China 
2010/08-2013/07 Bachelor of Engineering, Energy, Power System and Automation Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China 
2009/08- 2010/07 Undergraduate study majoring in Clinical Medicine, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China 

10/2021-Present Assistant Professor, School of Energy and Environment, The City University of Hong Kong 
09/2020- 05/2021 SNU Science Fellow Researcher, Research Institute of Basic Science, Seoul National University, Korea 
(09/2018- 08/2020) Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea 

Selected awards and professional services
1.    Stanford's top 2% most highly cited scientist (2023)
2.    SNU Science Fellowship (2020)
3.    JEC Outstanding Engineering Project Award (2016)
4.    GE Foundation TECH Award (2015) 
5.    National Scholarship (2010 & 2012) 
6.    The Electrochemical Society, Chinese Chemical Society
Current Members

Postdoctoral Researchers

Ph.D. Student


Postdoctoral Researchers and Visiting Students



School of Energy and Environment,City University of Hong Kong

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