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Batteries for challenging-condition applications 

The rising demand for advanced energy storage solutions has set higher standards for batteries, particularly in terms of energy densities, fast charging capabilities, and thermal stability. To meet these evolving needs, we are actively engaged in the development of batteries designed to excel in challenging or demanding conditions.

Our current research endeavors are primarily concentrated in two areas: advanced metal ion batteries and metal-air batteries. These technologies hold the potential to address critical challenges in the energy storage field, from improving energy density to enhancing the charging process.

For instance, while electric vehicles (EVs) have gained widespread acceptance, the issue of prolonged charging times persists as a concern. Accelerating the charging rate is a logical solution, but it introduces complexities such as elevated overpotentials and accelerated degradation of electrode materials. To tackle this challenge, one of our ongoing projects is dedicated to elucidating the underlying factors that limit the extremely fast-charging capabilities of battery electrodes. Our aim is to pave the way for the development of fast-charging batteries that can redefine the EV experience and contribute to a more sustainable and efficient future.

ACS Energy Letters, 2023, 8, 7, 2986-2995

Advanced Materials, 2023, 35, 10, 2207076



School of Energy and Environment,City University of Hong Kong

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